The Challenge Doesn't Stop Here
Scholar’s Electives is a limited enrolment program with an interdisciplinary focus. It’s for students interested in more than the traditional undergraduate experience.
You’ll have exclusive classes with other Scholars’ Electives students – there are only 50-75 per cohort. Interested in doing research? You’ll start doing your own in second year with the guidance of a faculty mentor.
Scholar’s Electives is for leaders who don’t plan on stopping at an undergraduate degree — post-graduate or professional programs are likely in your future.
You can apply if you’re interested in the following faculties/programs at Western:
You’ll need at least a 90% final admission average.
If you’re not selected for Scholar’s Electives, you will still be considered for the faculty/program you applied to on the OUAC. You have nothing to lose by applying!
50 - 75
students will receive offers
Selection Committee
will review applications and choose the best candidates
is when you'll hear back with a decision for Scholar’s Electives
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The Challenge Doesn't Stop Here