Add a Certificate in Digital Communication to any program or module at Western. Learn best practices and solid theory for social media, virtual worlds and emerging forms of online communication.
Are we bigger than our data points? Are we more powerful than the algorithm? What’s the difference between making news and breaking news? Breaking news and faking news? Why is social media so lonely? What’s my personal data worth?
Debate these questions. Go behind the digital façade. Learn to make media and to move through it wisely.
Click. Play. Retweet.
Make a podcast. Fill your feed. Share your story. Upload to YouTube. Collect and return follows.
Learn and improve all your digital communication skills.
Take it a step further: Learn and improve how you think about digital communication. How you move in it. Why a crazy idea goes viral and sound data slips to page two. Think about who benefits. Understand the legal, economic and historic forces shaping communication.
Every click you take creates data. Google, Facebook, merchants and other companies profit from that data. How does that economic interest change your digital experience for the better? For the worse? Who decides? Who owns this data? Who should?
Fake news and deceptive propaganda look and feel like honest reporting and opinion. Influencers and celebrities amplify unexpected points of view. How does our attention on these sources change the digital landscape? What’s the relationship between information and trust?
Anyone can make media. With a Western education, you can make media better. Fairer. Brighter.
View all admission requirements for your curriculum
After your first year in MACS, you choose MIT, MPI or CAP as your program. Admission to your MACS program and module depends on your success in that first year.
Take advantage of international exchanges, internships, co-op placements, volunteer positions and job shadowing.
Add a Certificate in Digital Communication to any program or module at Western. Learn best practices and solid theory for social media, virtual worlds and emerging forms of online communication.
student-run media outlets at Western
student clubs at Western related to media, digital communications, and gaming
program Alumni, as of May 2020
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